To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Studio Ghibli’s movie, “Spirited Away,” the character determine of ‘Spirited Away Boh Mouse’ (4,950 yen – Together with TAX) was launched on Saturday, seventh August 2021 at the Donguri Republics throughout the nation and an online retailer Soranoue. Product Information Product Title: Spirited Away Boh Mouse Worth: 4,950 yen (Including TAX) Material: Polyester resin Size: W100×H70 ×D100(mm) Boh Mouse character figure from the scene where he turns his face away from Chihiro unfriendly and walks along with his toes. In the movie, Chihiro says to Boh mouse, ‘You can sit on my shoulder.’ However, Boh mouse turns his face away unfriendly and walks with his toes. At the beginning of each Ghibli movie, the studio’s easy brand pops up (with mascot Totoro), and you recognize you are in for 2 hours of sheer delight.
Buy now Princess Mononoke at present at Ghibli Shop! The perfect gift, ‘Spirited Away Konpeito Sweet Bag (three varieties)’ (1, one hundred yen each – Including TAX) that reminds us of the gifts at the gift shop in Aburaya and ‘Spirited Away Spongy No Face (1,210 yen – Together with TAX)’ that changes its form with mushy spongy feel is now on sale as effectively. All people’s favorite mode of transport, made famous by its appearing on a dark and rainy night in My Neighbor Totoro, is now obtainable as an irresistible plush. Konpeito shaped candies in a Kinchaku bag. Skip straight to ‘Merry-Go-Round Of Life’ for a blast of pure emotion. They’re the perfect treat for yourself or the mega-Ghibli fan in your life.
It’s good not solely to display alongside your different Totoro merchandise, such because the daruma doll above, but additionally fun for youths who can spend time simply playing along with Totoro much like Satsuki and Mei within the film. Whether or not you love Spirited Away for Chihiro, Haku, the smut sprites, or simply because it’s one other My Neighbor Totoro Merch Studio Ghibli traditional (as an aspect observe, we’ve got tons of other Studio Ghibli collections you may want to take a look at if you’re an enormous fan), this assortment is the proper spot for you! There’s a purpose that the movies of Studio Ghibli are so beloved – the very best Ghibli motion pictures are packed with imaginative worlds, fantastical folklore creatures, loveable heroes (mostly vibrant, determined young women), and soaring soundtracks from Joe Hisaishi to make you swoon.